

NCC Ohio Vision Statement

We are a loving and caring family church positively influencing our community and the world, providing loving fellowship and meeting people’s spiritual, emotional, physical, and material needs. In doing so, we are making a difference to humanity and the world a better place.



Our Goal

Each Member – A Minister

Each Home – A Church

Each Life – A Testimony

Each Change – One Life at a Time


   The three modes of Operation

Cell Group


4-Fold Strategy


Meeting: Spiritual needs – salvation and spiritual growth.
Physical needs – physical and emotional healing. 


Meeting material needs through: Benevolence


Shelters, Orphanages, and Schools.  Through our Charity; Liberty, Making People Free


Church planting at home and abroad.

Check out Bro Paul’s books.

Products Archive – New Covenant Church (nccworld.org)

Check out Pastor Sam’s books.

Amazon.com: Samson Gbenro: Kindle Store


Sermon Archives: New Covenant Church, Ohio with Pastors Sam & Titi – YouTube


Our Mission

To preach the gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world and build churches that are at least 1 percent of the local population.

Mission Statement

We bring people to light and freedom in Jesus Christ and raise godly and prosperous families.
“I will be their God and they shall be my people.” – Hebrews 8:10b

Visit our National Website here: New Covenant Church USA



History of New Covenant Church

Revd. Jinadu was born a Muslim in Lagos, Nigeria. He became a Christian after Jesus appeared to him and abandoned his pursuit of a medical education in the United Kingdom. He went to The Bible College of Wales, Swansea, in 1962, and later also studied theology at The London Bible College, where he graduated in 1972. Bro Paul as he is fondly called, married his wife fondly called mummy Kate who he met in Bible College, and both returned to Nigeria as Missionaries in 1966. They first worked with The Apostolic Church in Lagos, and then extensively with the Four-Square Gospel Church as pastors and church planters. They returned to the UK in the early 80’s with bro Paul going all over the country as a travelling evangelist and conference speaker. Mummy Kate meanwhile was involved in leading people to Christ through the Christian Coffee Club in York. In 1985, at the invitation of many of his disciples, Bro Paul started the New Covenant Church in Nigeria and a year later in the UK.

The New Covenant Church started over 2,000 years ago when our Lord Jesus Christ sent The Holy Spirit upon the 120 disciples in an Upper Room in Jerusalem. Bro. Paul Jinadu continued that work in October 1985 with the first NCC worship venue at the Women Training Centre, Samonda, in Ibadan, Nigeria.  In 1986, the first center in the United Kingdom started at Elephant and Castle, London, UK.  We presently have over 600 branches of the Church in Africa, Europe, America, Middle East and Asia.  Over 400 of the branches are located in Nigeria. The General Overseer is Rev. Paul Jinadu. Rev. Emmanuel O. Ajao is the Associate General Overseer. Our Deputy General Overseer is Rev. M. Olufemi Oyelade (Africa and the Rest of the World). Rev. (Dr.) Femi Soetan has the Oversight of NCC in North America while the USA National Overseer is Rev. (Dr) Dayo Oluwadara.

History of New Covenant Church of Ohio

Rev. Sam Gbenro and his wife Rev. (Mrs.) Titi Gbenro were sent by God from England to begin this work in Columbus Ohio in 2001 after many years of serving as pastors in New Covenant Church, Streatham, London, U.K. Today, they lead the New Covenant Church congregation in Columbus Ohio through passionate praise, teaching of God’s word and faith-filled living.

The (Midwest) Ohio Conference of the NCC USA is coordinated by Pastor Sam Gbenro who is the current Conference Pastor and the immediate past National Coordinator of NCC North America and NCC USA.

Brother Sam and Sister Titi love to preach the Word of God for people to fall in love with Jesus Christ.