
Effective Deliverance: How to set captives free Kindle Edition

Deliverance is the process of casting out or expelling demon spirits. The Greek word for casting out is ‘ekballo’ and it simply means to cast out, drive out, to send out with a notion of violence.
Setting free those who may be spiritually and physically held captive by the devil usually involves the breaking of demonic strong holds resulting in the eviction of demon spirits from the person’s life. This casting out on behalf of the person seeking to be set free is best undertaken by a matured Christian who is living for Jesus Christ.
It is the will of the Lord that any evil spirit messing with God’s own children be cast out. Jesus cast demons out of people and made it clear it is His will to make the unclean clean. One time in the bible someone, a leper said to Jesus ‘If it be thy will’, Jesus immediately said, “I will, be thou clean”.
Another time a father brought his son who was possessed by an impure spirit, a demon.
The account is found in Mark 9: 14-29.
When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, he rebuked the impure spirit. “You deaf and mute spirit,” he said, “I command you, come out of him and never enter him again.”
The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and came out. The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, “He’s dead.” But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up.

Married for Life : How to have a joyful lifelong marriage Kindle Edition


Angels, Demons and Saints: Understanding Spiritual Warfare Kindle Edition

This book starts with the introduction of these peculiar, powerful spirits whom the Apostle Paul in his letters addressed as the Saints. It is a revelation of the Saints and of the executive authority God has given to them to have dominion on the earth. It continues with an unveiling of the mighty heavenly creatures known as Angels and drills down into the operations of those fallen Angels known as demons. You will find answers to many of the questions we all have on spiritual warfare and read the author’s unique insights into angels, demons, and Saints in spiritual warfare. Questions like who are angels? Can Christians command angels and demons? Do angels speak, how and what language do they speak? Do they fly, do angels have wings, can you see them? This book is carefully written to address many misconceptions and is full of uncommon biblical insights. There are several first-hand accounts of encounters with angels and demons with quite a gripping insight into the reality of the spiritual realm and the interplay between The Lord, The Saints, His angels, and satanic forces. You will read a break-down of the loopholes the enemy has used over the ages to wreak havoc in the lives of people and to take territories.

Released from the Law: How God’s love supersedes all Kindle Edition