Children Ministry

The New Covenant Church believes that children are a blessing from the Lord (Psalm 123:7). While parents are responsible for helping children grow physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, the church has a responsibility toward them too. These responsibilities include providing an environment where children are safe, taught at an age-appropriate level, and are encouraged to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ.

The spiritual needs of the children are ministered to through the ministry program of the church called “NCC Children Church.”

Mission statement of the children’s ministry

The goal of NCC Children Church is to lead children toward knowing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. To achieve this goal, the following five areas are emphasised:

  1. Formal instruction: Occurs in children’s church classes.
  2. Informal instruction: Activities such as summer sports programs, and emotional atmosphere involved in all activities.
  3. Service opportunities: Children and volunteers are involved in serving the community and church members. (Children’s day programs)
  4. Adult Christian examples: Children learn by seeing how adults interact with children, with other adults, and how they relate to God.
  5. Service and support for the parents: Offering children weekly religious lessons, and freeing parents to participate fully in the adult worship service.