What We Believe


The New Testament knows only one church. The only thing that divided that Church was geographical boundaries. It would appear that if an area could be adequately administered under a local or city council it formed the basis for a local church organization. Bearing in mind that a local church comprises all the congregations in a geographical boundary, what unity there would be when all churches come together under apostolic teams nation-wide? When that happens, the Church would have come of age and the gates of hell would no longer prevail.


The Church of Jesus Christ is built on the foundation of apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Cornerstone. This can be described as the “Jerusalem Foundation”. It started in the Upper Room in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost. Four hundred years later, during the reign of Emperor Constantine, a new foundation emerged. In his efforts to unite the Roman Empire and at the same time to steer away from the worship of Caesar the newly converted Emperor constituted the Church of Rome. That effort, which can be described as the “Rome Foundation”, brought a lot of corruption and pagan practices to the Church of Jesus Christ.
Numerous efforts have been made ever since to relieve the Church of these burdens. From the protest by Martin Luther against the excesses of the Roman Church to the Baptists who revived baptism by immersion, to the Pentecostal revival accompanied by the manifestation of spiritual gifts, the Church has been going through the reformation process. What the Church needs is not more of reformation (a mere repair job on a wrong foundation), it is Restoration – a return to the original pattern and practices of the Church of the New Testament. This is the vision of New Covenant Church.


A return to the original pattern of the church entails engaging only in biblical teaching and practices, especially as expounded in the New Testament by Jesus Christ Himself in the Gospels, and by the Apostles in the Epistles. If Jesus is the Founder and Head of the Church, then the Church needs to preach, teach and practice only what He (Jesus) taught.


Apostles and prophets are vital parts of the foundation of the Church. To start a church without this foundation is to compound the problem we already have. Though we may have a statement of faith, aims and objectives, these are merely a framework. They cannot form the basis of the church. Yet the dilemma facing many sincere servants of God who want to serve God with a clear conscience, in an atmosphere of liberty, and under Biblical leadership, without domination, is in finding a spiritual home where there is true apostolic vision.
Central to this vision is the provision of a platform for people who have the call of God on their lives and who are willing to enter into a relationship and partnership in ministry. We endeavor to create opportunities for these ministries to find expression and fulfillment.


In the Great Commission, our Lord commands us to “make disciples of all nations”. To realistically evangelize the world every believer must be equipped and empowered to win souls and bring them to maturity. In other words, it is the duty of each Christian to duplicate himself/herself in a new convert to Christ. Training and materials are provided for each member to carry out one to one follow-up of new converts who can soon become disciples, able to win others to Christ.


To build city churches around the world.
(These churches are to be at least 1% of the local population. This proportion will enable the Church to be an influence for good and for change in the community).
To bring every member into maturity in Christ.
To foster deep and meaningful fellowship.
To encourage and work for unity among all believers.
To work for the good of the Community.
To play a positive role in the life of the nation.
To provide opportunities for service.
To be actively involved in missions at home and abroad.


The Head of the Church is our Lord Jesus Christ.
The overall administrative head of the church is the General Overseer. He is assisted by the Associate General Overseer and the Deputy General Overseers.
In every country where we have a number of branches, there is the National Overseer who is the administrative head. The different satellite branches are grouped into conferences with a Conference Pastor overseeing the Satellite Centers. The Conference Pastors are responsible to the National Overseer and together they constitute the National council of Conference Pastors.
The National Council comprises of:
• The National Overseer
• Conference Pastors
• National Secretary (or National Administrator)
• National Treasurer
• Provost, of the Bible College
• President of Covenant Women
• National Youth President
• Any National Officer appointed by the National Overseer.


We do not operate a pyramid structure of leadership where the pastor sits on top of the pile from where he rules and runs everything. Neither do we run an inverted pyramid structure, where the pastor is at the bottom of the pile carrying the load and everybody just comes to church to enjoy what is laid on.
Rather we endeavor to operate a circular leadership structure. The leadership radiates from the center outwards through delegated authority and shared responsibility.
In the middle there are the pastors and elders. They have responsibility for the spiritual health of the congregation and make policy decision. Deacons, who are sometimes called departmental heads, have the duty of caring for the material needs of members, and look after the property of the church.


Membership of the church is open to all born again Christians with the evidence of the new life being practically demonstrated.
Such members must:
Subscribe to the doctrine of the church, be easily identified through the units of the church (e.g. the house group), Endeavour to participate actively in all general and corporate fellowship meetings of the church, be available for service and support the church programs regularly, morally and financially.

Our Leaders


Rev. Paul Jinadu was born a Muslim in Lagos, Nigeria, before travelling to the United Kingdom as a teenager to continue his secondary education. He met the Lord during his “A” level studies and abandoned his plan of becoming a medical doctor to answer the call of God into full-time ministry. He returned to Nigeria in 1966 and worked with 2 church denominations where the Lord used him as an evangelist, church planter and pastor, before returning to the United Kingdom.
As a young minister, Brother Paul had received in his heart, from scriptures, a vision of the pattern of the Church Jesus Christ promised to build, which he constantly shared with his members and disciples whilst in Nigeria. With considerable difficulty in fulfilling this vision and after being asked to leave by the church authority, some of Brother Paul’s disciples started a fellowship in Ibadan, Nigeria and felt led to invite him back to Nigeria to be their pastor. Thus, the New Covenant Church was formally inaugurated in Samonda, Ibadan, Nigeria in 1985 while the first branch in the United Kingdom started in London in 1986. The little seed sown over 30 years ago has been blessed by God as New Covenant Church now has over 600 branches in more than 35 countries.
Brother Paul’s passion is to see Christians come to the knowledge of the truth and be discipled; and to train Christian leaders to last the race. This, the Lord has helped him do in his ministry for over 50 years. He has been married to Rev. Mrs. Kate Jinadu, the International President of the Covenant Women International for over half a century. They are blessed with 2 sons who are also ministers of God, and 3 grandchildren.



Rev Emmanuel Olasupo Ajao had a Muslim parentage before he met the Lord in 1974. He worked with Mobil Oil before becoming an Independent Petroleum Marketer with his company owning and running a chain of filling stations in Ibadan, Nigeria before his call into full time ministry.
Shortly after his conversion, he met Rev. Paul Jinadu and has remained his disciple ever since. A pioneer elder of New Covenant Church in 1985, he coordinated and taught the Believers’ Bible Class at the first branch of the Church in Samonda, Ibadan where many new Christians were given a sound footing in the faith.
Brother Ajao later led the team that pioneered Basorun Centre of New Covenant Church at Ibadan in 1992. The branch grew to become Basorun Conference, now known as Old Ife Road Conference with many satellite branches. He also served as Conference Pastor of the Oke Bola Conference.
In 1996, Rev. Emmanuel Ajao became the National Overseer of New Covenant Church in Nigeria. He served as a Deputy General Overseer from 2008 and became the Associate General Overseer in 2017.
He is married to Rev. Mrs. Abimbola Ajao and they are blessed with children and grand children.



Rev. Michael Olufemi Oyelade practised as a Chartered Accountant and Management Consultant in Nigeria after a stint in the Academics as a lecturer in two Nigerian Universities before his call into full-time ministry.
Brother Oyelade led the team that pioneered Agodi Centre in 1996 and has been the pastor since then. He is the Deputy General Overseer, in which role he works with the General Overseer in the oversight of New Covenant Church globally.
A teacher of God’s word who is blessed with a shepherd’s heart, Brother Oyelade has a passion to see God’s word transform the believer’s life in its entirety and the multiplication of disciples in all nations.
Olufemi is married to Yemisi who is the Children/Teenage Pastor of Agodi Centre and Coordinator of the New Covenant Church Nursery and Primary School, Agodi Centre and they are blessed with a daughter.


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